Radhika, GantaParthiban, MMeignanalakshmi, SKarunakar, RTANUVAS2020-07-232020-07-232018http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810149716TNV_TH_MVM 16003_2018A study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of microencapsulated multispecies probiotics in immunomodulation of NDV vaccinated chicken. The probiotic bacteria were isolated from native chicken using MRS broth. A total of 14 single colony pure stock cultures were prepared and subjected for phenotypic, biochemical and also for immunomodulatory potential analysis. These lactic acid bacteria were phenotypically characterized by Gram’s staining and Transmission Electron Microscopy image analysis and biochemically characterized based on their sugar fermentation profile by using 20 sugars, bile tolerance, pH tolerance and enzyme analysis by using 19 different enzymes. All the organisms were subjected for molecular characterization by using 16S-23S rRNA spacer region as a target for PCR amplification. The purified PCR products to sequenced to identify the organisms at species level.enVeterinary ScienceIMMUNOMODULATORY POTENTIAL OF MICROENCAPSULATED MULTISPECIES PROBIOTIC CONSORTIUM IN NDV VACCINATED CHICKENThesis