SHARMA, RAVINDERCHAUHAN, AVANI2019-11-142019-11-142019-11 The present study entitled “Common Pool Resource Management: A Case Study Chilgoza (Pinus gerardiana) in District Kinnaur of Himachal Pradesh” was carried out in Pooh and Kalpa blocks of district Kinnaur. Multistage random sampling was used to select 60 respondents collecting chilgoza cones. Results of the study revealed that the average family size at overall farmers’ category was 6 persons per household. The overall literacy rate was 82.94 per cent with literacy index of 2.95 indicating low quality of education. Total land holding was 1.43 hectare out of which the total cultivated area was 0.98 hectares. Cropping intensity was 124.49 per cent in the study area, which indicates that there is scope for increase in farm efficiency. Pinus gerardiana contributed 4 per cent to the total farm income which was highest (5.90%) for marginal farms. Out of the total sample size, 57 respondents had the right of collection of chilgoza cones from CPRs while 52 respondents had chilgoza trees on private lands. In the common land the contract system of cone collection was most preferred as 49.12 per cent of households relied on it. At the overall level 0.58 hectares of private forest and 11 trees of chilgoza on orchard land per household were found. The coefficient of variation for production of chilgoza seeds from common lands was 20.35 and 25.18 per cent during good and poor seed year respectively on an overall level. On the other hand, the coefficient of variation for the production from the private lands was 62.65 per cent for good seed year and 32.67 per cent for poor seed year. The cost of collection of chilgoza cones from common lands was estimated as Rs. 13,221.69 per quintal during good seed year and Rs. 19237.67 per quintal during poor seed year. The cost of collection from the private lands came out to be Rs. 9,027.46 and Rs. 17057.39 per quintal during good and poor seed years respectively. The cost of extraction of chilgoza seeds from the cones was Rs. 1,981.28 during good seed year and Rs. 2505.31 during the poor seed year. The total cost of production for the year 2018 was Rs. 5,779.48 and net revenue was Rs. 27883.69 per household. Four marketing channels were prevalent in the study area for the marketing of chilgoza nuts. Among these, ChannelIV (Producer- Primary wholesaler-Secondary wholesaler-Consumer) was found to be the most preferred channel as 65.25 per cent of the produce was traded through this marketing channel. Producer’s share in consumer rupee was highest (99.06 %) in Channel-I consisting of Producer and Consumer. Marketing efficiency of Channel-I was highest (104.93). Lack of control over the price rate, high wage rate and the tedious process of extraction were some of the collection and marketing problems reported by the farmers in the study area. The main factors responsible for degradation of chilgoza forest were excessive lopping of branches, introduction of developmental projects, less snowfall and deforestation etc.ennullCOMMON POOL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: A CASE STUDY OF CHILGOZA (Pinus gerardiana) IN DISTRICT KINNAUR OF HIMACHAL PRADESHThesis