Narendra, T.PALANNA, K. B.2018-03-072018-03-072016-10-23Th-11559 incidence of Ganoderma wilt of coconut and arecanut was maximum (19.32 %) in Tumkur district followed by Chitradurga and Hassan in southern Karnataka. Diseased root bits and sporocarp were good source(s) for isolation of Ganoderma with Potato Dextrose Agar and Oat Meal Agar that supported highest radial growth and biomass production. Of the nine Ganoderma isolates, CG11 recorded maximum disease severity index (62.50 DSI) in coconut. However, Arecanut isolate AG9 recorded maximum DSI (75) and designated as most virulent isolates. The pileus shape, pileus thicknes, stipe length, stipe attachment and colour of pore surface of sporocarps varied greatly in coconut and arecanut. The molecular characterization of Ganoderma through DNA amplification resulted in 650bp in all isolates tested. The phylogenetic analysis of TIS sequence with other known species of Ganoderma through NCBI web proved that the isolates were related to Ganoderma sp. with 80-100 per cent identity and shown close relationship with India, China and Sri lanka Ganoderma species. Bengalgram, redgram and bhendi were found indicator plants for early detection of disease. Cent per cent inhibition of mycelial growth of Ganoderma was recorded in Tebuconazole, Propiconazole, Hexaconazole, Kitazin, Propineb and combi-products viz., Hexaconazole + Zineb, Hexaconazole + Captan, Fenmidone + Mancozeb, Tebuconazole + Trifloxystrobin WG at >250ppm. Urea recorded 67.34 and 46.89 per cent inhibition against CG14 and AG7 respectively. However, chemical fertilizers supported the development of T viride at lower concentration (250 ppm). ZnSo4 and Gypsum recorded 52.53 and 7.42 per cent inhibition of biocontrol agent at 1000 ppm; MgSo4 supported the growth and sporulation of biocontrol agent. Tebuconazole root feeding in coconut @1.5 ml in 100 ml water/palm at quarterly interval + Soil application of 5 kg neemcake enriched with T. viride/ palm/ half yearly + Pseudomonas fluorescens (talc formulated) @ 50 g/palm/ half yearly + Soil drenching with half yearly 1per cent Bordeaux mixture @ 20 l/palm reduced disease index and which accounted 76.41per cent reduction over in control with maximum nut yield. Similarly, the treatment in arecanut recorded the least increase of 7.39 disease index, which accounted 55.22 per cent reduction over control with maximum nut yield.ennullINVESTIGATION ON GANODERMA WILT OF COCONUT AND ARECANUT WITH RESPECT TO PATHOGEN VARIABILITY AND DISEASE MANAGEMENTThesis