M. L. REVANNASAHANA. M.2024-01-032024-01-032023-12Th-13974https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810205586Millets are small seeded grains, taxonomically belonging to family Poaceae, considered as crop of food security because of the sustainability in adverse agro climatic conditions.Millets are good source of energy, dietary fiber, gluten free, slowly digestible starch and thus provide sustained release of glucose and thereby satiety. Plastic is a great threat to the entire ecosystem so, there is a considerable need to replace plastic cutlery with better alternatives like edible cutlery as it is generally recognized as EBO (eco-friendly, biodegradable and organic). Millet based edible cutleries will ‟create a market force” for the local farmers by bringing back demand for millets. On the other hand, consumable containers cum ready to eat food are becoming a hot trend globally. Therefore, the study entitled “Formulation and evaluation of millet based edible cutleries” was conducted with the objectives to develop and analyse the physico-chemical, functional and storage stability of developed edible cutleries with functional ingredients for best accepted standardized products in the proportion of refined wheat flour(40g), white finger millet flour(40g), little millet flour(40g), foxtail millet flour(40g), whole wheat flour(20g), sugar(12g), margarine(2g), corn starch(2.5g), xanthan gum(2g), milk powder(4.5g), sorghum flour(15g), salt(0.5g) and vanilla essence(0.5g). Sensory acceptability of developed cutleries was in the range of moderately to like extremely on a nine-point hedonic scale. The standardized millet based edible cutleries were found to be nutritionally superior in terms of fiber, protein, carbohydrates, energy, calcium and iron. Significant differences were observed in sensory scores, moisture, free fatty acid of millet based edible cutleries stored in Metallized polyester polyethylene compared to that stored in Aluminium silver foil packaging materials. Changes in microbial counts were within permissible limits in samples stored in both packaging materials. The developed millet based edible cutleries were nutritious with good storage stability.EnglishMILLET BASED EDIBLE CUTLERIESAgriculture Minister Focused on Drought-Hit Crops During Raichur District Tour Deccan Chronicle.| Gururaj A Paniyadi Published on: November 7, 2023 | Updated on: November 7, 2023 Agriculture Minister N Chaluvaraya Swamy, during his tour of Raichur district, prioritized a visit to the drought-stricken cotton and tur crop areas across various hoblis of Raichur taluk on Monday.(Image: DC) Agriculture Minister N Chaluvaraya Swamy, during his tour of Raichur district, prioritized a visit to the drought-stricken cotton and tur crop areas across various hoblis of Raichur taluk on Monday.(Image: DC) Raichur: Agriculture Minister N Chaluvaraya Swamy, during his tour of Raichur district, prioritized a visit to the drought-stricken cotton and tur crop areas across various hoblis of Raichur taluk on Monday. Accompanied by officials, the minister examined the drought-affected cotton crops. At the farm of Narasimhulu, he personally engaged with the farmers, attentively listening to their grievances. Minister Chaluvaraya Swamy stressed the importance of farmers securing crop insurance annually, in addition to anticipating government assistance. Responding to the plea from farmers for concessions on BT cotton seeds, similar to those provided for other crops, the minister assured that a decision would be reached after consultations with departmental officials. In his address at the inauguration of the International Conference of Agricultural Engineers held at the Raichur Agricultural University auditorium the Minister stressed the pivotal role played by agricultural institutions, universities, and research centers in guiding farmers towards adopting technology that facilitates efficient and cost-effective cultivation in an era of evolving environmental conditions. Advertisement The minister highlighted the evolving nature of the environment, with soil quality deteriorating and farmers grappling with challenges. He emphasized the need for agricultural colleges and universities across the state to proactively engage with farmers, asserting that they play a crucial role in this process. Minister Chaluvaraya Swamy also emphasized the potential of educational institutions specializing in agriculture in advancing the nation's agricultural sector.Thesis