PRABHAKARA REDDY, KNAGAMALLIKA, E2016-12-212016-12-212003 An investigation was carried out to study the effect of pea flour and bengalgram flour separately each at 5 and 10 percent levels by including in the formulations of spent chicken meat patties prepared out of raw and partially cooked meats. In the first phase of the experiment bengalgram flour and pea flour each at 5 and 10 per cent levels were tried in both raw and partially cooked chicken meat patties. The patty formulation containing 10 percent pea flour was selected for pursuing the preservative studies, as this had significantly (P<0.05) lower cooking losses, better emulsion stability, better water holding capacity, lower moisture content and superior scores for all the organoleptic quality characteristics. In the second phase of the experiment the selected patties prepared from both raw and partially cooked meats were subjected to refrigerated (7 " 1EC) and frozen (-18 " 1EC) storage termperatures for a period of 20 and 60 days respectively. As the storage period advanced, the patties showed significantly (P<0.05) higher cooking loss and lower emulsion stability. The pH of raw patties at refrigerated storage showed an increasing trend whereas the cooked patties showed a decreasing trend of pH with the advancement of storage. A significant (P<0.05) increase in pH of both types of meat was recorded during frozen storage. The extract release volume was found to increase in refrigerated storage and decrease at frozen storage. Water holding capacity was significantly (P<0.05) decreased as the storage period advanced. The 2-Thiobarbituric acid and free fatty acid values of patties were found to be significantly (P<0.05) increased as the storage period advanced irrespective of the type of meat both at refrigerated and frozen storage conditions. Moisture content of patties was significantly (P<0.05) decreased during frozen storage. The per cent fat content showed an increasing trend for partially cooked patties and a decreasing trend for raw patties. Refrigeration of patties caused a significant decrease in the percent crude protein content of raw patties where as the frozen storage increased the crude protein content of partially cooked patties significantly. The mesophilic counts (log10 CFU/gm of contents) were significantly (P<0.05) increased in the patties of both types of meat under refrigerated storage while they were decreased in frozen storage. The psychrophilic counts of patties significantly (P<0.05) increased as the frozen storage period increased. The counts for yeasts and moulds of patties were significantly (P<0.05) increased both in refrigerated and frozen storage conditions except at 60 days of frozen storage. Organoleptic evaluation revealed that the storage had significantly (P<0.05) reduced the scores for all the traits viz., colour, flavour, juiciness, tenderness and overall acceptability. However the product was well within the limits of acceptability of panelists.enSPENT CHICKEN; MEAT PATTIES; EXTENDERSSTUDIES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF SPENT CHICKEN MEAT PATTIES WITH DIFFERENT EXTENDERSMVSC;CVSc;TPTY; Acc No:T996Thesis