Dr. S. M. UpadhyayMarviya P. B.2017-11-022017-11-022017-09http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810034592Key words:Consumption, MPCE, Elasticity,Inequality, Households, Junagadh. Consumption is an integral part of our life. It is present from the beginning to the end everywhere we go.Consumption itself is not a menace for our world but its patterns and effects.The analysis of consumption pattern is a pre-requisite of a planned economy so as to enable the planners to have a precise knowledge of the future demand of different commodities and to match supply with changing pattern of demand. However, several interaction factors like household size, composition, occupation, level of income, price, habit, social customs, resource endowment and other socio-economic parameters influence the consumption pattern of the commodity. Therefore, it is logical to expect wide variation in consumer behaviour in different parts of the country. For this study on consumption pattern of food and non-food items, Junagadh district was selected purposively as it was an unexplored area in such type of detailed study. Data were collected separately for rural and urban sectors.Primary data pertaining to the research study of food and non-food items including socio-economic characteristics, land holding, yield, income etc. were collected through personal interview method with the help of pre-tested comprehensive interview schedule by survey method for different three seasons i.e. winter, summer and monsoon. The reference period for the study was the agricultural year 2015-16. Regression analysis technique was adopted for estimating the consumer equivalent adult scale for the three main groups as well as for total expenditure.Expenditure elasticity analysis for food and non-food commodity groups were done by using selected Engel functions from the different ten forms (L, SL, DL, H/I, E, LI, P, SLI, LLI and LP) of Engle function.The Chow test was used to judge whether the estimated consumption function of rural is significantly different from the urban or not.Gini concentration ratio (GCR) was used as an index for measuring the inequalities in the total expenditure and expenditure on main commodity groups i.e. TM, TF, TNF and TOT for food and non food items in various seasons.To explore the possibility of measuring inequality using GCR for totality of the household expenditure, principal component analysis approach was used. Age group of 20-40 years female accounted for the largest proportion share of expenditure in TM commodity group in the rural sector, whereas in urban sector, 20-40 years male groups accounted for the largest proportionate share of expenditure in different seasons for all main commodity groups. The average per capita monthly total expenditure in urban areas was found to be more than that of rural area during different seasons.The average per capita monthly expenditure on total milk and milk products (TM) and total food (TF) were also relatively higher in rural area, whereas, it was higher for TNF in urban area. In TM& TF commodity groups, P form of the Engel function was best fitted function, whereas, for TNF commodity group, L form was the best fitted. In case of TM and TF commodities group, the expenditure elasticities were higher in rural households as compared to those in urban area, except in TM commodity group during winter season. The reverse was true for TNF except in summer season. Inequalities in consumption patternwere higher in rural household as compared to urban households in TMand TF commodity groups of all the seasons, except during monsoon season. The inequalities in TNF & TOT groups were greater in urban sector as compared to rural sector. Theconsumption expenditure of different commodity groups was more unevenly distributed in both the sectors.enSTATISTICS“A STATISTICAL ANALYSIS ON CONSUMPTION PATTERN OF ‘FOOD’ AND ‘NON FOOD’ ITEMS IN SOUTH SAURASHTRA AGRO-CLIMATIC ZONE” 2434Thesis