Dr. Kuldeep KhannaMMHHAATTRREE SSUUSSHHAANNTT JJAAYYAAVVAANNT2017-08-012017-08-012008http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810026865The different breeds used as female line to produce crossbreds were RIR, AP and AK, whereas, B was used as male line and the reciprocal cross of RIR was also produced. Simultaneously, pure breed RIR, B, AK and AP were also maintained to evaluate comparative performance between crossbreds and pure breeds. The backcross progenies were produced by using B as a male line with an objective to evaluate growth performance of next generation. Thus the present study was divided into two parts i.e. to study the production and reproductive performance of crossbreds and to study the juvenile growth rate of their backcross progenies.enPoultry ScienceStudySTUDIES ON PERFORMANCE OF FOUR CROSS-BRED COLOURED BROILER PARENTS SUITABLE FOR BACKYARD POULTRY FARMINGThesis