TANK, P. H.SHIRODKAR, KSHAMA DILIP2018-05-252018-05-252007http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810047492A clinical study on laparoscopic oophorectomy in bitches was conducted with special reference to compare two different modalities viz., electrocautery (Group - I; n = 6) and endolooping (Group - 11; n = 6). An anaesthetic protocol comprising of epidural analgesia using lignocaine and ketamin mixture as well as intravenous thiopentone in acepromazine premedicated bitches was uniformly practiced in all the bitches. The animals were placed in a supine position with the head in downward manner (Trendelenburg position) on a specially designed wooden adjustable table placed over a routine operation table. Peri-umbilical midline ports for fixation of three 5mm cannula were created following abdominal insufflation with carbon dioxide @ 10-15 mm Hg by placing Veress needle. The electrocautery was performed using monopolar (240W) current for electro-desiccation. The endolooping was carried out using black braded silk no. 1. The total time required to perform laparoscopic oophorectomy using electrocoagulation (31.53 ± 0.9 minutes) was comparatively lesser than endo-looping (34.24 ± 0.64 minutes). An acute fall in the rectal temperature and mild variation in respiratory rate as well as pattern in addition to reduction of haemoglobin oxygen saturation and pulse rate during immediate post-operative phase with tendency to progressively resume normalcy could be due to the combined and additive effects of pre-operative fasting, anaesthesia, abdominal insufflation and operative stress. Spleenic engorgement following thiopental anaesthesia and bleeding during the procedures reflected as reduction in total erythrocyte count, haemoglobin concentration as well as packed cell volume during post-operative evaluations. The acute inflammatory changes resulted following both the laparoscopic procedures led to increase in total leucocyte count with shift to left and a compensatory fall in the number of lymphocyte. An early and uneventful recovery of all the animals following both the laparoscopic procedures was credited to minimum invasive nature of the procedures. Further, small abdominal wounds healed within 7 days without any complications. A transient rise in the serum Cortisol level following both the procedures was indicative of stressful nature of laparoscopic manipulation. However, the serum Cortisol level later on regained almost normal physiological level. The trend depicted by variation in the serum Cortisol concentration is suggestive of temporary nature of the stress, which is considered as common phenomenon following any kind of surgery. Quick recovery of this vital parameter can also indirectly be interpretated as both the procedures were well tolerable by the animals. Electro-coagulation was easy whereas endo-looping was complex, somewhat cumbersome and equally effective for laparoscopic oophorectomy. Further, it was felt that the laparoscopic endo-looping for oophorectomy in bitches should be practiced with precision and perfection. The present study concludes that laparoscopic oophorectomy using electro-coagulation is preferred over endo-looping, hence advocated for wider clinical use.enVETERINARY SURGERYA STUDYSTUDIES ON LAPAROSCOPIC OOPHORECTOMY IN BITCHESThesis