SRI HARI BABU, RMADHAVI, M2016-08-082016-08-081989 on storage and · ca~dy making of three ber varieties (Umran, Gola and Seb) were conducted at College of Agriculture, Rajendcanagar, Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh) during the fruiting season 1988-89. Extens:i. w ~l of shelf life was tried by treating the fruits with cycocel 1,000 and 2,000 ppm and keepin? the fruits in earthen ~ ots, polyethene bags and zero energy cool chamber. An untreated control is maintained for comparision. Quality analysis was done at an interval of three days. Thi:: results obtained have indil'.!ated that the shelf life and quality parameters were significantly afiected by storage period, post-harvest treatments and their interactions. Further, varieties have also responded differently. The physiological loss in weight (PLW) increased with increase in storage period. PLW was least in polyethene bags followed by zero energy cool chamber. Storage in earthen pots failed to check PLW. In Gola PLW was more in cycocel treatments. Total soluble solids declined finally at the end. Fruits stored in polyethene bags and zero energy cool ~hamber had similar amounts of TSS. Among the cultivars, irrespective of treatments, Umran fruits had highest level of TSS, and least in Seb frui~s. Acidity reached a peak by third day of storage, followed by a fall after six days of storage and a considerable rise at the end of storage. Fruits stored in earthen pots and polyethene bags xiii had l •ss acidity than control. Cycocel treated fruits of Umr an registered highest content ui acidity while in Golu. and Seb, fruits stored in zero energy cool chamii..:r registered hi ghest acidity. Ascorbic acid declined as the storage period extended and the d~cline was very drastic in case of Seb, as co~pared to other two varieties. T~tal sugars and reducing sugars in stor~J fruits increased progressively and reached peak by the end of the experiment. However, the contents of total sugars due to postharvest treatments were less than that of control. Among the post-har'Vest treatments cycocel treated fruits of Umran and Gola had higher level of total sugars, but in Seb, fruits stured in zero energy cool chamber followed by those treated with cycocel recorded higher contents. On the other hand, the levels of reductng sugars were not influenced by various tr~atments appreciably. Organoleptic rating was highest at the start of the experiment and it gradually fell with the progress of t ht! storage period. Fruits of control treatment lost palatability rapidly. Wherea1:a fruits kept in zero energy cool chamber retained better palatability, followed by those kept in polyethene bags. However the influence of cycocel treatmen t ~; was not consistent. For extending the shelf life without loss in quality, storage in zero-energy cool chamber is most best and ~conomical, followed by sLorage in polyethene bags. All the three varieties evaluated were found to be good for making candy, however, Umran was most suitableenPOST, HARVEST, STUDIES, BER, Zizyphus, mauritiana,POST - HARVEST STUDIES IN BER ( Zizyphus mauritiana Lamk)Thesis