Kalirajan, R.Senthilkumar, A.TANUVAS2018-06-212018-06-212016-12http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810054794TNV_IJSET_2016_5(6)4277-4282A third lactation cross bred dairy cow was referred to the Veterinary dispensary with the history of growth on the nictitating membrane of the left eye since one month. Animal showed little discomfort due to the growth but have normal vision. The neoplastic outgrowth was excised after clinical and histopathological examinations with a general sterile procedure with local anaesthesia and lavaged with normal saline solution. The animal was recovered uneventfully within 15 days.enVeterinary ScienceOCULAR SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA IN A CROSS BRED DAIRY COWInternational Journal of Science, Environment and TechnologyArticle