Dr. K D AparnathiSHYAM PRAVINBHAI SAGAR2017-05-222017-05-222012http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810011958In a recent past news were fleshing in the media regarding about initiatives taken for industrialization of camel milk in Gujarat. However, the information on organoleptic characteristic, keeping quality and processing related properties of camel milk produce in Gujarat are relatively scarce and much of the information is approximate and fragmental and not reported in the literature. Therefore, the study was conducted to collect camel milk available nearby Anand city and analyze for organoleptic characteristic, keeping quality and processing related properties. The heat stability of cow, buffaloenDairy ChemistryStudyEVALUATION OF CAMEL MILK FOR ORGANOLEPTIC CHARACTIRISTICS, KEEPING QUALITY AND SELECTED PROCESSING RELATED PARAMETERSThesis