ASHOKA, H. G.SHRIKANT2020-10-062020-10-062019-08-21Th-12391 study was undertaken in Southern parts of Karnataka to evaluate and to assess the performance of the different companies drip irrigation systems in Greenhouses. Introduction about farmers and other details were collected from different dealers of respective companies. There are different greenhouses selected for the study and Among them three greenhouses from each companies. The results on the aspect of design evaluation showed that, 9 greenhouses having good operating system and the 6 greenhouses are not capable to operate the system, which results in poor performance of the system. The hydraulic parameters such as coefficient of manufacturer variation, emission uniformity, uniformity coefficient, application efficiency and distribution efficiency are found to be excellent at both 0.75 and 1.00 kg/cm2 operating pressure for all the irrigation system of different companies. But the emitter flow variation observed is acceptable only for company A, company C and company E at 1.00 kg/cm2 operating pressure only. However it was not acceptable at 0.75 kg/cm2 for all the irrigation companies. The value of emitter exponent and discharge coefficient varied between 0.37 to 0.79 and 2.72 to 3.34 respectively. which indicates the flow is almost turbulent. Hence all company drippers were found to be in the range of non-pressure compensating. The company A having better hydraulic efficiency followed by company B, company C, company D, and company E. The cost of installation per acre for all the systems was found to be in the range of Rs. 45000/- to 52000/-.EnglishSTUDIES ON MICRO IRRIGATION SYSTEMS IN GREENHOUSES OF SOUTHERN KARNATAKAThesis