Narayanawamy, SCHINTHALAPATI, SRAVANI2017-10-102017-10-102016-09-10Th-11495 millet is an important minor millet crop mostly cultivated owing to its calcium, iron and fibre content. In recent years selective utilization of crops, varieties and chemical fertilizers have threatened agro-biodiversity leading to rapid erosion of natural resources and consequently affecting the nutritional security of people. Considering impact of this, a field experiment was carried out to study the "Influence of integrated approach on enhancing plant growth, seed yield and quality parameters in finger millet" at J-Block, NSP, GKVK, UAS, Bengaluru during kharif 2015. The treatment combinations were arranged in split split plot design with two replications which includes different methods of sowing in main plot viz., (S1-direct sowing and S2-transplanting and four nutrient managements) in subplots (N0-without fertilizer, N 1-organic fertilizers, Ni­chemical fertilizers, N3-integrated) and subsubplots consists of priming treatments (Po­without priming, P1-hydropriming, P2-chemopriming and P3-biopriming). The results revealed that, S2 transplanting method of sowing, N3 integrated application of RDF- 100:50:50 NPK kg ha-1 in the form of neem + verrnicompost +urea+ SSP + MOP and P2 chemopriming with (2 % ) KH2P04 for 6 hours recorded highest growth, seed yield and quality attributes viz., field emergence (93.00 %), chlorophyll content (1.924 mg g-1 FW), number of tillers (14), ear head weight per plot (9.53 kg), germination (95.00 %), mean seedling length (18.45 cm), less number of fresh ungerminated seeds (5) and seed yield of (36. 78 q/ha ) when compared to ( control) direct sown without any nutrient and priming (14.68 q/ha).ennullSTUDIES ON INTEGRATED APPROACH FOR ENHANCING PLANT GROWTH, SEED YIELD AND QUALITY IN FINGER MILLET (Eleusine coracana L. Gaertn)Thesis