NARSE GOWDA, N CRAGHAVENDRA, NAIK2023-01-042023-01-042022-06-28Th-13260 production of mini-tubers by using early generation planting material in controlled condition is a rapid multiplication method to get early generation, virus free quality seed tubers. The solution containing 50 per cent higher dose of all nutrients over and above the modified Hoagland solution recorded higher values for growth and nutrient uptake at 45 days after transplanting (DAT) during pre-tuberization period. Among two growing conditions (net house and greenhouse), higher day and night temperature with low light intensity accelerated the growth parameters in greenhouse, but higher temperature resulted in reduced tuberization. The higher photosynthetic partitioning favored by congenial environment in net house, recorded substantial mini-tuber production. With little variations in environmental conditions, potato seed tuber production was possible in kharif in net house (15.06 in kharif as against 22.94 mini-tubers per plant in rabi). The reduction of light by shade treatment adversely affected the plant growth, tuberization and nutrient uptake. Regulation of root zone temperature to optimum level resulted in reduced physiological stress on plants and recorded higher number of mini tubers per plant (24.39). The decreased dose of nitrogen application after 45 DAT till the end of crop duration resulted in triggered mini-tuber production (23.97). In subtropical condition like in Bengaluru higher number of tubers per plant was observed in Kufri Himalini (21.9) than in Kufri Jyoti (20.27). Lesser number of mini-tubers per plant (18.98) was recorded with the use of commercial water soluble fertilizers as compared to laboratory grade nutrient salts used in modified Hoagland solution (23.19 mini-tubers per plant).EnglishSTUDIES ON NUTRIENT FORMULATIONS FOR MINI-TUBER PRODUCTION OF POTATO THROUGH AEROPONIC TECHNIQUEThesis