Das, Anup KumarSAGAR, MANIKANTA2024-06-262024-06-262023https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810210960The Roman philosopher Seneca once said, "A hungry person listens neither to reason nor to religion; nor is bent by any prayer". He wants food today and not just assurance of food for tomorrow. From this statement we all get to know about the importance of food and food consumption. According to Adam Smith, “Consumption is the sole purpose of all production”. Consumption is a start of every human activity. The present study was undertaken to address more specifically the consumption pattern of different food items, monthly per capita consumption expenditure (MPCE) and factors influencing the purchase decision and consumption expenditure. For that purpose, information was collected with the help of pretested schedule from 100 sample households in the district of Jorhat by interviewing them personally. The findings of the study reveal that both urban and rural consumers consume cereals, pulses, milk and milk products, salt and sugar, edible oils, egg, fish, meat, vegetables, fruits, spices and beverages with certain degree of variation. The most noticeable variations were observed in case of egg, fish & meat, milk & milk products, edible oil, vegetables and fruits which were consumed more by the urban consumers as compared to the rural consumers, the possible reason may be higher income of the urban consumers, their better standard of living and the food availability. Analysis of MPCE indicate that the rural household spends about Rs 10,964 on food items which accounts for 38% share of their monthly income. As against this, the urban households spend Rs 12,057, representing 22% share of their monthly income. Attempt was made to identify the factors influencing the consumption expenditure and for that matter regression analysis was carried out with total MPCE of the household on food items as dependent variable and household size, monthly income, land holding, education status, age, family type dummy and mass media exposure dummy as independent variables, which explained 80 to 81% variation. On the basis of the results, one may suggest that well thought out policy may be formulated/executed which may lead to increase in disposable income of the consumers and increased awareness on family welfare and food nutrition. To study the factors influencing purchase decision of aforementioned food products limited variables are considered and asked to rate them from 1 to 5 (1-extremely important, 2- very important, 3- somewhat important, 4-not so important and 5-Not at all important). The factors like Cleanliness of the product, quality of the product and price played significant role while making purchase decision in both rural and urban consumers.EnglishCONSUMPTION PATTERN OF DIFFERENT FOOD ITEMS IN JORHAT DISTRICT OF ASSAMThesis