Mareen AbrahamGangadhara, KKAU2019-12-312019-12-312017 present study entitled "Inheritance of yield and resistance to shoot and fruit borer {Leucinodes orbonalis Guen.) in brinjal {Solanum melongena L.)" was conducted at College of Agriculture, Vellayani during 2012-15 with the major objective to study the genetic basis of yield, yield attributes and developing high yielding shoot and fruit borer resistant varieties of brinjal. Molecular comparison of resistant and susceptible segregants will also be done In the first experiment, 60 genotypes were evaluated using RED with two replications. Evaluation was carried out in both kharif and rabi seasons for yield as well as for shoot and fruit borer resistance in two parallel experiments. Analysis of variance revealed significant difference among the accessions for all the characters under study. High PCV and GCV were recorded for plant height, number of primary branches planf^ intra cluster distance, number of fruits plant"', length of fhiits, girth of fruits, fruit weight, fiiait yield plant"' and shoot and fruit infestation. High heritability coupled with high genetic advance as per cent mean was observed for plant height, number of primary branches plant"', intra cluster distance, inter cluster distance, number of fruits plant*', length of fruits, girth of fruits, fruit weight, fhiit yield plant"' and shoot and fhiit infestation in both seasons. Fruit yield plant"' showed significant positive correlation with fhiits plant"', fruit weight, fruit girth, plant height, number of primary branches plant"', fruit length and percent of long styled flowers in both the seasons at phenotypic and genotypic level. Path coefficient analysis revealed that fruits plant"' showed high positive direct effect on yield followed by fruit weight, per cent long styled flowers, per cent medium styled flowers and days to first harvest in both the seasons. SM 36 followed by SM 2, SM 9, SM 14 and SM 21 was having the highest selection index values based on discriminant function analysis in both the seasons. Screening of 60 accessions based on the per cent of infested shoots and fruits were recorded at 10 days interval from 30 H2 to 100 DAT. The minimum per cent of shoots and fruits infestations was recorded in SMI followed by SM 60 and SM 59 in both kharif and rabi season. The second experiment was laid out in RBD with three replications with five high yielding susceptible genotypes namely SM 36, SM 2, SM 9, SM 14 and SM 21 along with three resistant genotypes viz., SM 1, SM 60 and SM 59. These were crossed to produce fifteen hybrids in a line x tester pattern with Haritha as check. Heterosis and combining ability were estimated for plant height, primary branches plant"', days to first flowering, per cent long styled flowers, per cent medium styled flowers, per cent short styled flowers, fruit length, tuit girth, fhiit weight, fhiits plant*', days to first harvest, days to last harvest and ftuit yield plant"'. Analysis of variance revealed significant differences among the genotypes for all the traits studied. The maximum standard heterosis for yield per plant was observed in the cross Raidurg Local X Pusa Purple Cluster followed by lC-433678 X IC-89986, Jagaluru Local X Vellayani Local, IC-345271 X Pusa Purple Cluster and Tiptur Local X Pusa Purple Cluster. The hybrid IC-433678 X IC-89986 and Raidurg Local X Pusa Purple Cluster showed high significant standard heterosis for number of fruits plant*', long styled flowers, fhiit weight, days to first harvest and days to last harvest. The gca values revealed that two lines (IC- 433678 and Raidurg local) and one tester (Pusa Purple Cluster) as good general combiners for fhiit yield plant"'. These lines and testers were also best combiner for yield component characters like number primary branches plant"', days to first flowering, per cent medium styled flower, per cent long styled flowers, number of fhiits plant"' and length of fruit. The estimates of specific combining ability effects indicated that IC-433678 X IC-89986, Tiptur Local X Vellayani Local, Raidurg Local X Pusa Purple Cluster, Jagaluru Local X Vellayani Local and IC-345271 X Pusa Purple Cluster were most promising for fmit yield plant* '. Out of fifteen hybrids screened for shoot and fhiit borer resistance at lOdays interval 3 G'i L from 30 to 100 DA, the hybrids IC-433678 X IC-89986 and Raidurg Local X Pusa Purple Cluster were found highly resistant. In the third experiment, high yielding hybrids IC-433678 X IC-89986 and Raidurg Local X Pusa Purple Cluster with shoot and fruit borer resistance were further advanced to F2 generation to carry out the bulk segregant analysis. The pools contrasting for shoot and fhiit borer resistance were analyzed with 22 RAPD primers along with their respective parents and three primers namely OPC-4, OPL-9 and OPO- 20 has shown polymorphic band between the bulks. In the present study two superior crosses IC-433678 X IC-89986 and Raidurg Local X Pusa Purple Cluster were identified which could be further carried forward carry forward to develop a resistant varieties to shoot and fruit borer. The three primers namely OPC-4, OPL-9 and OPO- 20 can be used to develop a scar marker which could be used further resistance breeding.ennullInheritance of yield and resistance to shoot and fruit borer (Leucinodes orbonalis GUEN.) in brinjal (Solanum melongena L.)Thesis