Thilagavathi KSelvaraj JJaisree S, et al.,TANUVAS2024-07-182024-07-182024 was conducted on three ducks, which were reared in the Cauvery delta region in a fl ock containing 3000 birds and were not vaccinated. Tissue samples like intestine, oesophagus, spleen, kidney and liver were collected for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and histopathology. Grossly, oral cavity and oesophageal mucosa showed adhesion of diphtheritic membrane. Liver revealed multiple white necrotic foci. Epicardium showed petechial haemorrhages. Intestine mucosa revealed annular band haemorrhage, multiple petechiael haemorrhages, annular band with yellowish diphtheritic adhesion and multiple diphtheritic bu on ulcers of 2-3 mm diameter. PCR showed amplifi cation produces band size at 446 bp using specifi c primer showed positive for duck viral enteritis virus. Histopathologically, intestinal mucosa revealed fi brinous exudate with desquamated epithelial cells, clumps of bacteria and infl ammatory cells. Based on the gross lesions, PCR and histopathological lesions, the present case was confi rmed as duck viral enteritis.EnglishOutbreak of duck viral enteritis in the Cauvery delta region of Tamil NaduIndian Journal of Veterinary PathologyArticle