Singh, T. R.Bhardwaj, Shashi2018-06-222018-06-221982 of the most challenging task before our country is to provide adequate opportunities fer gainful employment to all sections of the population. The Planning Commission in 1977-76 assessed that as many as 306 Million, a little less than half of the population, comprised of the unemployed, underemployed, partial employed and remunerative employed persons. As a whole nearly 89 par cent of the female workers in rural areas are dependent on the primary sector - agriculture, livestock, forestry etc., whereas about 3.8 million rural Women are totally unemployed and 17.6 million are partially unemployed. Due to lack of technical qualification, proper guidance and leadership, farm women are gradually receding in the agricultural sector (Mysore Economic Review, 1977). This situation gives a definite direction that for the country's growth and development employment has to be viewed as an indivisible component of development and for proper implementation of any scheme employment and development ha\I e to become catalysts for each otherenHome Science Extension EducationStudy on the self employment for rural women under integrated Rural development ProgrammeThesis