RAVI, AAlexander, GRamana, J VVINOD KUMAR, K2017-06-102017-06-102013-02http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810019298THESESABSTRACT : An attempt was made in the present study to arrive at the optimum RDN g/kg digestible organic matter in dry matter (DOMD) or g/kg digestible organic matter fermented in rumen (DOMR) on groundnut haulms (GNH) based rations for growing ram lambs. Four rations, R1 to R4 were formulated such that the ration R1 contained groundnut haulms + molasses while rations R2 to R4 contained groundnut haulms: concentrates (60:40) such that the rations contained varying levels of RDN with comparable levels of digestible organic matter. The calculated RDN (g/kg) was 8.92, 8.42, 10.18 and 12.05 in R1 to R4, respectively while the DOMD (g/kg) was 585.44, 589.23, 589.66 and 583.61, respectively. The GNH and complete rations were analyzed for chemical composition and fibre factions and were also evaluated for in vitro DM and OM digestibility while the RDN content of the complete rations was estimated using RUSITEC. Further, in a completely randomized design, the rations were evaluated using 6 growing ram lambs in a growth trial of 90 days duration. Mid way through the growth trial, four animals from the respective treatments were shifted to metabolism cages for evaluating the rations for nutrient digestibility, nitrogen balance, microbial protein synthesis and plane of nutrition. The digestible energy content of the rations was also estimated using PARR bomb calorimeter. The groundnut haulms contained 93.26, 82.18, 11.9, 3.27, 35.75, 17.82 and 31.26 % DM, OM, CP, EE, CF, TA and NFE respectively. The NDF, ADF, hemicellulose, cellulose, lignin and silica content were 54.88, 35.82, 19.06, 24.84, 7.18 and 3.80 %, respectively. The CP (%) of the complete rations R1 to R4 was 11.35, 10.40, 12.72 and 14.20, respectively while the CF, EE, TA, NDF, ADF, cellulose and lignin content of rations R2 to R4 was lower than in R1. The IVDMD and IVOMD of complete rations were significantly (P < 0.01) higher in R2 to R4 than in R1. The RDN (%) content estimated by RUSITEC was significantly different (P < 0.01) and was in the order of R4 > R3 >R1 > R2. The excretion of the purine derivatives allantoin, uric acid and total purine derivatives was not significantly (P>0.05) different among the treatments, whereas the hypoxanthine+xanthine excretion was higher (P<0.01) in R4 than in other rations. The microbial nitrogen synthesized (MNS g/d) was 5.06, 6.23, 5.47 and 5.91 in rations R1 to R4, respectively was not significant among the treatments. The microbial efficiency (MN g/ kg DOMI) in ram lambs fed R1 to R4 was 9.74, 9.29, 9.99 and 9.89, respectively and there was no significant difference among the treatments. The nitrogen capture efficiency (NCE) of ram lambs fed on complete ration R2 was significantly higher (P<0.05) than in other rations and the values were 0.46, 0.63, 0.37 and 0.33 in R1 to R4, respectively. The purine nitrogen index (PNI) was R1 (0.19), R2 (0.17), R3 (0.12) and R4 (0.09) and was not significantly different among treatment. The digestibility of DM, OM, CP, ADF and Cellulose was not significantly different among treatments while the NDF digestibility was higher (P<0.01) in lambs fed R2 than in other treatments. The nitrogen intake (g/d), N voided in urine (g/d) and total N voided (g/d) was significantly higher (P < 0.01) in R3 or R4 than in R1 and R2 while the nitrogen retention was not significantly different among the rations. The DCP (%) was significantly higher (P<0.01) in R3 or R4 than in R1 and R2 and the values were 5.22 (R1), 5.53 (R2), 7.02 (R3) and 8.43 (R4). The DE (kcal/kg DM) of complete ration R1 to R4 was 2043.61, 2210.67, 2130.45 and 2240.02, respectively and was not significantly different. The DMI g/d was in the increasing order of R2 (1232), R4 (1119), R3 (1038) and R1 (1031) and as percent body weight it ranged from 4.24 to 4.68 and was not significantly different. The plane of nutrition of the ram lambs satisfied the ICAR (1998) requirements for growing lambs. The average daily gain (g) in R2 (112.36), R3 (99.94), R4 (117.44) was higher (P<0.01) than in ram lambs fed on R1 (70.51). The FCR (g DM/g gain) was poor (P<0.01) in R1 than in R2, R3 or R4 fed lambs and the values were 13.48, 10.24, 9.70 and 8.35, respectively. The results of the study indicated that RDN level of 18.70 g/kg DOMD or 23.14 g/kg DOMR (R2) was optimum for efficient microbial protein synthesis in groundnut haulms based complete rations for ram lambs and R2 was better than other rations due to less loss of nitrogen through urine, better digestibility of nutrients, higher ADG and better FCR.ennullMICROBIAL PROTEIN SUPPLY AND GROWTH PERFORMANCE OF RAM LAMBS FED GROUNDNUT HAULMS BASED COMPLETE RATIONS CONTAINING DIFFERENT LEVELS OF RUMEN DEGRADABLE CRUDE PROTEINThesis