M., ANJANAPPAG. P., PREETHIM., PITCHAIMUTHUV., DEVAPPAR. K., RAMACHANDRAR., VENUGOPALAN2021-02-232021-02-232017-06UHS15PGM687https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810161515Present investigation on heterosis and combining ability was undertaken at College of Horticulture, Bangalore during 2016-17. Twenty five hybrids developed by crossing five lines with five testers in L × T fashion were evaluated along with the parents in RCBD with two replications. The magnitude of heterosis over the commercial check (Chitra) for vine length (-12.85 to 19.91), number of branches per plant (-7.69 to 25.00), number of nodes per vine (-11.5 to 46.50), node of female flower appearance (-28.95 to 28.07), days to female flower anthesis (-9.67 to -28.46), sex ratio (-20.27 to 34.17), days to first fruit harvest (-3.14 to -23.74), number of fruits per plant (-17.68 to 44.44), Fruit length (-10.05 to 41.94), Fruit yield per plant (-43.16 to 55.79). The hybrid which exhibited maximum heterosis over the commercial check (Chitra) was Green long × Poinsette (55.79 %), Green long × Pusa Uday (54.30 %), Pondicherry 1 × Punjab Naveen (50.47 %) for fruit yield per plant. The crosses Green long × Poinsette and Pondicherry 1 × Punjab Naveen and lines Pondicherry 1 and green long were identified as good specific combiner and general combiner for fruit yield. Among the parents IIHR 341, Green long, Pusa Uday were identified as good general combiners overall 17 characters based on comprehensive study considering gca effects. Non additive component of genetic variance was slightly higher than additive component for all the traits studied.EnglishHETEROSIS AND COMBINING ABILITY STUDIES IN CUCUMBER (Cucumis sativus L.) GENOTYPESThesis