Hemalatha, S.Shafiuzama, MohammedTANUVAS2019-05-242019-05-242014-07http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810104477TNV_ICCC_JuL2014_Pg43A 2 year old male Doberman Pincher was brought to the Madras Veterinary College Teaching Hospital on 05-03-2014 with the complaint of generalized alopecia, erythematous lesion and pruritis. The dog was referred to SAC-OP-S for myiasis in the right fore paw, which was treated accordingly. On further clinical examination, it was noticed that the dog had an underdeveloped preputial sheath with exposed dry penile shaft. There was a small opening about an inch below the anus and the dog was monorchid (unilateral agenesis of the right testicle which was palpable subcutaneously in the inguinal region ) with two separate scrotal sacs ( Left was normal and the right was atrophied ).en-USVeterinary ScienceVeterinary Surgery and RadiologyHypospadiasis in a Doberman Pincher6th International Clinical Case Conference for Next Generation Veterinarians to Face Challenges in Clinical Practice - July 2014Other