S. K. BhuvaMAKVANA ANJALIBEN GOVINDBHAI2024-04-302024-04-302023-07https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810208478The present investigation entitled “Impact of leaf to fruit ratio on physico chemical traits of guava cv. Lalit under high density planting” was conducted at Fruit Research Station, Sakkar Baug, College of Horticulture, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh (Gujarat) during August 2022 to December 2022. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 8 treatments consist of T1 - (Leaf: fruit, 4:1), T2 - (Leaf: fruit, 6:1), T3 - (Leaf: fruit, 8:1), T4 - (Leaf: fruit, 10:1),T5 - (Leaf: fruit, 12:1), T6 - (Leaf: fruit, 14:1), T7 - (Leaf: fruit, 16:1), T8 - (Control) with three replications. The results indicated that among eight treatment, maximum leaf area (60.01 cm2 ) was observed in T7 (Leaf: fruit, 16:1). While, maximum chlorophyll content (51.93 SPAD) and leaf carbohydrate (55.71 %) were observed in T6 (Leaf: fruit, 14:1). Maximum fruit weight (164.13 g), fruit length (6.71 cm), fruit width (6.65 cm), fruit circumference (20.79 cm), fruit volume (152.53 ml), fruit firmness (11.07 kg/cm2 ), pulp weight (146.65 g) and pulp: seed ratio (8.38) were observed in T4 (Leaf: fruit, 10:1). Whereas, minimum number of seeds (352.33) and seed weight (16.50 g) were noted in T8 (Control). Maximum yield (8.63 kg/plant), TSS (14.87 oBrix), ascorbic acid (241.07 mg/100 g of pulp), non reducing sugar (6.15 %), total sugar (14.16 %) and maximum score for pulp appearance and color (7.33), taste (7.32), flavor (6.96) and overallacceptability (7.75) were recorded in T4 (Leaf: fruit, 10:1) at harvest. Therefore, leaf to fruit ratio of 10:1 showed the better performance in terms of fruit weight, fruit length, fruit width, fruit circumference, fruit volume, fruit firmness, pulp weight, pulp: seed ratio, yield per plant, TSS, ascorbic acid, non reducing sugar, total sugar and organoleptic parameters viz., pulp appearance and color, taste, flavor and overall acceptability. In case of chlorophyll content and leaf carbohydrate, leaf to fruit ratio of 14:1 and for leaf area, leaf to fruit ratio of 16:1 showed the better performance. While, in case of seed number and seed weight trees with control treatment showed the better performance in guava cv. Lalit.EnglishIMPACT OF LEAF TO FRUIT RATIO ON PHYSICO-CHEMICAL TRAITS OF GUAVA CV. LALIT UNDER HIGH DENSITY PLANTING 3021Thesis