Jeena, A. S.Pandit, Praati2024-08-062024-08-062023-06Theses of M.Sc. present investigation entitled “Principal Component of Yield and Quality Parameters in Sugarcane (Saccharum spp. Complex)” was conducted with 19 clones of Sugarcane including three checks viz., CoS 767, CoPant 97222 and Co 05011. The study aimed to investigate various genetic parameters such as variance components, correlation coefficients, path coefficients and principal component of yield and quality traits. The experiment was conducted in randomized block design with three replications at Norman E. Borlaug Crop Research Centre of Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar. Data was recorded for 16 yield and quality attributes of sugarcane viz., germination percent at 45 days, number of tillers (000/ha) at 120 days, number of millable canes (000/ha) at 300 days, Stalk length (m), Stalk diameter (cm), single cane weight (kg), Brix percent, sucrose percent, juice purity percent, Commercial Cane Sugar percent (at 10-months and 12-month stage), Commercial Cane Sugar yield (t/ha) and Cane Yield (t/ha) and subjected to statistical analysis as per the objective of study. Analysis of variance revealed that genotypes exhibited highly significant variation for ten characters indicating ample scope for selection of genotypes for improvement in cane yield. The higher PCV than GCV for all of the traits indicated environmental influence on these traits. Correlation coefficient revealed that cane yield was significantly and positively correlated with germination percent, number of tillers (‘000/ha), number of millable canes (‘000/ha), stalk length(m), stalk diameter(cm), single cane weight(kg) and CCS yield at both genotypic and phenotypic level. The highest positive and direct effect on cane yield was recorded with by CCS yield followed by number of millable canes and single cane weight. It indicated that, direct selection would be more useful for these characters to improve cane yield. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) revealed that first three principal components accounted for 84.1% of the total variation in the tested breeding material. Principal component analysis was performed to characterize the nineteen genotypes. Among them PC (2014-15)- 164, PC (2013-14)-338, PC (2014-15)-240, PC (2013-14)-276, CoPant 97222 and Co 05011 were found to be superior genotypes with respect to vegetative growth parameters as well as cane yield, while genotypes such as PC (2014-15)-164, PC (2013-14)-61 and PCMS (2014-15)- 74 were found to be best with respect to cane yield only. The genotypes PC (2014-15)-289, PC (2013-14)-338 and PC (2013-14)-547 were found to be best performing for quality parameters in sugarcane.EnglishPrincipal Components of Yield and Quality Parameters in Sugarcane (Saccharum spp. Complex)Thesis