Dr. A. S. SaiyadGAYATRI SHARMA2017-07-312017-07-312008http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810026697Horticulture sector is a prominent sector among agriculture and allied activities as means of diversification and nature has placed India in a place of pride on horticultural development map of the world. India is second largest producer of fruit in the world. Papaya (Carica papaya.) is an important fruit crop in India. The total area, production and productivity of papaya crop in India and Gujarat look impressive but is not up to mark of its potential. The above facts would substantiate the need to find out such lacuna on the part of the papaya growers. One way by which extension scientist can contribute to this task is to find out better ways and means of promoting papaya cultivation technology. There is a great scope of increasing its export by increasing its quality production through adoption of improved cultivation technology. Thus, looking to the importance of factors related with adoption of papaya cultivation technologyenExtension EducationStudyA STUDY ON ADOPTION OF IMPROVED TECHNOLOGY OF PAPAYA BY PAPAYA GROWERS IN ANAND DISTRICT OF GUJARAT STATEThesis