Sundaresan AOmprakash AVTensingh Gnanaraj P, et al.,TANUVAS2024-07-242024-07-242013 is second big bird of ratite family, reared in Australia and now reared in lndia. As this bird is monogamus one, it post more cost of production. ln order to reduce the cost and maintain elite male germplasm, the artificial insemination (Al) technique is the only‘ choice. It is a powerful too] for rapid genetic improvement and it has been major component in reproduction of many avian species. The semen yield per male is minimal (range 0425-0.50 ml) and this study was conducted to do Al of diluted semen in emu birds, Ten male and fifteen female emus were selected for this studyEnglishARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION OF LAKE’S DILUTED SEMEN AND HATCHABILITY PERFORMANCE OF EMU IN HUMID TROPICAL CLIMATEXXX Conference and National Symposium of Indian Poultry Science Association, CARI, Izatnagar (UP)Other