Nauriyal, D. S.Langer, Anil2018-06-202018-06-202012 dairy sector in India has shown remarkable progress in the recent years and consequently the country has now become the largest milk producer in the world. In spite of this the milk production per animal is substantially less compared to developed countries which is largely attributed to inflammation of mammary gland or mastitis. Mastitis a disease of cows and buffaloes which results in severe economic losses to livestock owners and dairy industry world wide. The present study was conducted during August 2011 to January, 2012 at the Department of Veterinary Medicine, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Anand Agricultural University, Anand with a view to work out the prevalence of subclinical mastitis among cows, to compare the efficacy of six mastitis markers in detecting subclinical mastitis by using bacteriological culture examination as reference test, and to study the antibiogram pattern of bacterial isolates recovered from cases of subclinical mastitis. On screening of 69 lactating cows (Kankrej-26, Gir-8, triple cross-35) belonging to the herd maintained at Livestock Research Station, Anand, the overall prevalence of subclinical mastitis was observed to be 66.67 per cent in one or more quarters. Quarterwise prevalence was recorded at 33.45 per cent. Among infected quarters, fore and right-side quarters exhibited greater involvement. More frequent infection of two quarter was noticed than single and multiple quarters. Cows in their first lactation showed highest prevalence of subclinical mastitis. Similarly, cows in their late stage of lactation were found to be more frequently associated with insidious subclinical udder infection. Out of 89 infected quarters, 50 quarters yielded monomicrobic isolates whereas remaining 39 quarters harboured mixed infection. On bacteriological culture examination, a total of 190 bacterial isolates were recovered which comprised of 54 isolates of CPS (Staph, aureus-8 Staph, hyicus-40. Staph, intermedius-6), 115 isolates of CNS (Staph, chromogenes-94. Staph. epidermidis-21), 2 isolates of Micrococcous varians, 11 isolates of Str. agalactiae, 8 isolates of coliforms (Enterobacter sp.-3, E. coli and Klebsiella sp.-2 each, Serratia marcescens- one).enVETERINARY MEDICINEA STUDYSTUDIES ON ETIO-DIAGNOSIS OF SUBCLINICAL INTRAMAMMARY INFECTIONS OF COWS WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO SOME MASTITIS MARKERSThesis