Kumaran, SPugazhenthi, TRMuthuramalingam, T, et al.,TANUVAS2021-08-112021-08-112014https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810171738TNV_BC_FCT_2014_145-151During 1960, Government Dairy Fann and Cattle Colony at Madhavaram were setup with the hope that the cattle colony will serve as the basis for shifiing of city animals and as a model fann and with an object of supply of milk to the public in the city. The milk colony consists of Eight units for housing the animals with a total capacity of 4,000 animals. But due to various problems of diseased animals and supply of lesser quantity of milk to the Central Dairy of the Tamil Nadu Dairy Development Corporation, the Government transferred the Dairy Farm and Cattle Colony to the control of Animal Husbandry Dept.EnglishVeterinary ScienceROLE OF UNIVERSITY RESEARCH FARM, TANUVAS IN PRODUCTION AND PROMOTION OF FODDERFodder Cultivation TechnologiesBook chapter