Dr. D. K. VaruPATEL VINODKUMAR SURESHBHAI10206180022024-01-052024-01-052023-09https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810205768The present investigation entitled “Evaluation of different genotypes and cultivars of gaillardia under Saurashtra region.” was taken at Instructional Farm (Jambuvadi), Department of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture, College of Horticulture, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh during September to March, 2019-2020 and 2022-2023. The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design with 3 Replications and 12 Genotypes. The data pertained to morphological and molecular characteristics of 12 genotypes and cultivars were analyzed statistically. The mean data showed significant variation among genotypes and cultivars with respect to plant height at peak flowering time. Significantly, maximum plant height (89.00, 81.00 and 85.00 cm) was recorded in genotype Ludhiana Selection 1, Whereas, maximum number of branches per plant (21.13, 21.16 and 21.14) was recorded in Gaillardia Mix and maximum number of stem diameter (10.28, 10.46 and 10.37 mm) was recorded in PG 1 during both the years as well as in pooled. Similarly, maximum fresh weight of plant after final harvest (2382.12, 2422.95 and 2402.53 g) was recorded in Sarpan Yellow and maximum dry weight of plant (637.11, 637.66 and 637.39 g) was recorded in Gaillardia Mix during both the years as well as in pooled. Significantly, highest plant spread (50.67 cm N-S) was observed in Gaillardia Mix during first year. While, Sarpan Gaillardia Grand Mix recorded (55.06 and 52.85 cm N-S) during second and in pooled. Significantly maximum plant spread E-W (71.87 cm) was noted in Sarpan Gaillardia Grand Mix during first year. While, PG 1 recorded (73.31 and 71.93 cm N-S) during second year and in pooled. Minimum days for first flowering (44.57, 45.27 and 44.92 days), maximum flower yield per plant (2334.86, 2430.02 and 2382.44 g), highest flower yield per plot (46.62, 48.55 and 47.58 kg), maximum flower yield per hectare (86.33, 89.90 and 88.11 t/ha) and longest flowering span (119.14, 120.27 and 119.71 days) were observed in cultivar Sarpan Yellow during both the years as well as in pooled data. Significantly highest number of flowers per plant (268.73, 287.61 and 278.17) was recorded in cultivar Gaillardia Mix during both the years as well as in pooled. While, highest flower weight (9.44, 9.51 and 9.48 g) was obtained in cultivar Gaillardia Double Mix during both the years as well as in pooled data. Longest In-situ longevity of flower observed (19.19, 19.34 and 19.26 days), maximum vase life (9.95, 10.32 and 10.14 days), highest number of ray florets per flower (196.12, 198.49 and 197.30) were recorded in cultivar Sarpan Yellow during both the years as well as in pooled data. The longest stalk (36.57, 36.91and 36.74 cm) was obtained in Ludhiana Selection 1 during both the years as well as in pooled. The maximum flower diameter was recorded in Gaillardia Double Mix (7.64, 8.41 and 8.02 cm) in both the years as well as in pooled data. The flower colour of 12 genotypes and cultivars under study, was recorded by comparing the colour of ray florets with Royal Horticulture Society colour chart. In the Saurashtra region, the cultivar Sarpan Yellow outperformed over other gaillardia genotypes/cultivars in terms of fresh weight and dry weight of the plant, flowering time, flower yield, shortest number of days to first flowering, longevity of flower in-situ, vase life, and quantity of ray florets per flower. The results of the molecular characterisation revealed that the gaillardia genotypes could be successfully classified and characterised based on PCR amplification profile, and as a result, these properties may be used as useful descriptors in the identification and upkeep of gaillardia genotypes. The dendrogram's findings have been confirmed as cultivars with a similar cluster have moved closer to one another and vice versa. The correlation analysis demonstrated the significance of gaillardia features such as flowering span, flower weight, number of ray florets per flower, and in situ longevity flower for enhancing flower output per plant. In addition, path coefficient analysis showed that the number of ray florets per flower could be regarded as a significant contributor to yield and should be given due consideration when performing selection because of their strong positive direct effect and strongly positive correlation with flower yield per plantEnglishEVALUATION OF DIFFERENT GENOTYPES AND CULTIVARS OF GAILLARDIA UNDER SAURASHTRA REGION 3762Thesis