Das, KaushikBhuyan, Rijuleena2023-11-182023-11-182021https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810201483A series of experiments were conducted during the year 2021 in the Department of Crop Physiology, AAU, Jorhat to evaluate the effect of seed biopriming by indigenous fungal isolates on germination, growth and yield of okra. Three different fungal strains viz., Trichoderma harzianum, Metarhizium anisopliae and Verticillium lecanii, isolated and prepared from indigenous sources were selected for the research programme. In the first experiment, which was conducted under laboratory condition, okra seeds were bioprimed with these fungal isolates with four different concentrations (0.30%, 0.50%, 0.70% and 0.90%) separately. Additional two separate sets, one with hydroprimed seeds and another with unprimed control, were also kept for comparison. Seed germination and early seedling growth of the tested crop in terms of germination percentage, germination index, root and shoot lengths, fresh and dry weights and vigour index of the seedlings were found to be increased by all the priming treatments. Among the different treatments, 0.50% T. harzianum, 0.70% M. anisopliae and 0.70% V. lecanii exhibited better promotive results compared to the other treatments. The second experiment, which was also a laboratory trial, was carried out to evaluate the combined effects of the different indigenous fungal biopriming agents. Among the different treatment combinations, T. harzianum (0.50%) + M. anisopliae (0.70%) showed the most promotive results in respect to germination and early seedling growth of okra. Third experiment was conducted in pots under shed-house to evaluate the combined effect of T. harzianum, M. anisopliae and V. lecanii as biopriming agents on morphophysiology, growth and yield of okra. For comparison other two sets were also kept, one with hydropriming treatment, and one as unprimed control. All the recorded growth and morphophysiological parameters such as plant height, leaf number, leaf area, root volume, shoot and root dry weights were increased by all the treatments. Plant water relation of the crop in terms of relative leaf water content (RLWC) was found to be positively affected by the applied seed priming treatments. Leaf chlorophyll content of the tested crop was also increased by the seed priming treatments. However, no such effect was observed on the leaf proline content of the crop. Yield and all the recorded yield attributing characters such as days to first flower initiation, fresh and dry weights of pod, fresh and dry weights of the seeds were positively affected by the applied treatments. All the fungal biopriming agents exhibited better results compared to the hydropriming treatment. Among the different bioprimning treatments, T. harzianum (0.50%) + M. anisopliae (0.70%) showed the most promotive results in respect to growth and yield enhancement in okra.EnglishEFFECT OF SEED BIOPRIMING WITH INDIGENOUS FUNGAL ISOLATES ON GROWTH AND YIELD OF OKRA (Abelmoschus esculentus L.)Thesis