SAROJA, KKUKANUR, HULAGEVVA2019-09-262019-09-262002No . of references 55 the Elected Women Representatives (EWRs) of Gram Panchyat (GP) of Dharwad taluk who completed one full tenure from 1994 to 2000 barring those who have died and migrated formed the sample of 153. Ten were selected as sub sample for case studies; personal interviews observation and case study were the methods used. Results reveled that majority belonged to SC/ST castes and to families hving below the poverty line. Majority were in the age group of 45 to 60 years, illiterate and worked as agricultural laborers with no land holding or marginal land holding. Majority were married, had grown-up children and belonged to large sized families. Majority had no political background but had the support of one or the other political party in fighting election. Two thirds received financial support from the party. Majority had contested first time from the reserved constituency and elected through ballot. Twenty four percent used mass media as a source of information regarding GP. Vlajority had the knowledge regarding their tenure conducting regular meetings and tax collection. But most of them lacked knowledge regarding special and emergency meetings, quorum for conducting meetings, cancellation oi membership, no confidence motion, developmental schemes, financial matters, annual reports and budget. 86°'o attended the panchyat meetings regularly, 3/4"^ participated in discussions. 90% complained that they faced both direct and indirect opposition to their participation in discussions from the male members. 55''^o did not participate in the standing committee. Majority had no knowledge regarding the purpose and functions of the standing committee. 89% did not participate in efforts to solve the community issues. Less than 50% attended three training programmes and many felt that training programmes increased their knowledge. Loss of daily wages was the main reason for not attending training programmes. Some of the respondents carried out activities mainly in the areas of health, family planning, education and welfare. Only 16%) took up pro-active steps like formation of self-help groups, efforts to solve alcoholism formation of DWACRA Group and Mahila Mandal.ennullPERFORMANCE, CONSTRAINTS AND PROBLEMS OF ELECTED WOMEN REPRESENTATIVES OF GRAM PANCHAYAT IN DHARWAD TALUK WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO FAMILYThesis