Aggarwal, navdeepnavdeep kaur2017-01-172017-01-172011 research project ―A study of financial risk management practices of exporters of Ludhiana‖ was undertaken with the objectives of studying the attitude towards financial risk management and the practices for the same. The study was focused on engineering and apparel exporters of Ludhiana. The data was collected from 25 exporters of apparel and engineering each, thereby. The analysis indicates that risk management is considered very important. Though the firms try to manage the financial risks, but still they are not able to combat it fully, due to lack of knowledge about the improved techniques of risk management like financial derivatives. It is found, statistically that there is significant difference in attitude of both engineering and apparel exporters regarding risk managementenexportersrisk managementstUDY OF FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT PRACTICES OF EXPORTERS OF LUDHIANAThesis