Dr. S.R. YadavSUNIL KUMAR GORA2023-10-202023-10-202019https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810199530India is bestowed with varied agro-climatic conditions, which allow growing of several types of vegetables in the country. Vegetables provide food and nutrition security, generate income and employment and also earn foreign exchange. Vegetables were cultivated in an area 10.1 million hectares and produced 169.1 million metric tonnes in India (Anonymous, 2016). The Indian arid zone is one of the largest sub- tropical deserts of the world, of which 20% is arid and rest is semi-arid with varied habitats. The hot arid region is spread over 31.7 million hectares area, mainly in the states of Rajasthan, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Punjab and Haryana. Rajasthan particularly western region are under hyper arid zone with very scarce water resource. Thus, more crop per drop of water is main movement of any agriculture production system in this region of the state.EnglishEvaluation of STCR Based Precision Farming on Growth, Yield and Quality of Vegetables in TorripsammentsThesis