Dr. N. M. ThakerMER HITENBHAI DASABHAI20721210122024-01-032024-01-032023-06https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810205501The study on “adoption and resource use efficiency of soybean in junagadh district” was undertaken to me assure the objectives of to analyze the growth performance and adoption level of farmers examine the satisfaction level, resource use and constraint. The study was carried out in Junagadh district. Multistage sampling technique was used. A total of 120 soybean farmers were selected for the study. Exponential function or the semi-log equation, adoption level index, Cobb-Douglas function, Likert scale and Garrett’s ranking technique were used for the study. This study focuses on soybean cultivation in Junagadh district, revealing a positive growth trend in terms of increased cultivation area and overall production. However, the productivity growth rate was relatively lower, indicating the need to enhance yield per unit of cultivated area for improved efficiency. Farmers showed a medium level of adoption of improved cultivation practice. Efficient resource allocation, particularly in fertilizer and seed costs, is emphasized for maximizing output value and productivity in soybean crop production. Regarding promotional and developmental activities, a significant percentage of farmers expressed satisfaction, while others remained neutral or dissatisfied. Farmers face various constraints in both production and marketing, including pest and disease control, labor availability, market intelligence, pricing, storage and transportation.EnglishADOPTION AND RESOURCE USE EFFICIENCY OF SOYBEAN IN JUNAGADH DISTRICT 3692Thesis