Suryanarayana V.Lochan S.R.2021-10-052021-10-052016-09 investigation was carried out at College of Forestry, Sirsi, during 2015-16 on the characterization and nursery performance of half-sib progenies of Pongamia pinnata (L.) against leaf blight caused by Fusicladium pongamiae. Thirty half sib progenies (HSP’s) sources of four clonal plantations of Pongamia in Karnataka differed significantly for pod and seed traits. Fusicladium blight symptoms were clustered black dot sized eruptions on the ventral surface, leaf blighting, premature defoliation and burnt appearance of foliage. Among different inoculation techniques, moistened petriplate incubated cellophane attachment method proved best for large scale screening of HSP’S of Pongamia against Fusicladium blight. Of 30 HSP’s screened against Fusicladium blight, one HSP (NC-1) showed moderately resistant reaction, 27 HSP’s with, moderately susceptible reaction and 2 HSP’s (H-128 and H-88) with susceptible reaction. In periodical per cent disease index (PDI) estimates over 6 months H-128 showed highest (28.14%) and lowest by NC-1 (11.05%). Likewise, in post inoculated HSP’s differed significantly for growth and biomass parameters. Among them NC-01 recorded highest mean values for height (51.95 cm), collar diameter (7.82 mm), fresh (104 g) and dry weight (35 g) of biomass and least value for defoliation (9.25 %). For phenol content also among selected HSP’s, NC-1 showed highest phenol content of 9.20 mg/g of leaf extract. Whereas, H-128 and H-88 shown least phenol content (4.40 and 3.80 mg/g of leaf extract) respectively.EnglishCharacterization and Nursery Performance of Half-Sib Progenies of Pongamia pinnata (L.) Against Leaf Blight Caused by Fusicladium pongamiae (Syd. & P.Syd.)Thesis