Sabarish Babu, MSShafiuzama, MohamedTANUVASMalashammiGanne Venkata Sudhakar Rao2019-07-062019-07-062016 present study was carried out on the clinical eases of canine mammary tumours presented to the Surgical Outpatient Unit of Madras Veterinary College Teaching Hospital. A total of 12 animals aged between 7 to 12 years with mammary tumour more than 5 cm in size, with multiple gland involvement and regional lymph node enlargement With no evidence of distant metastasis were selected for the study. Detailed clinical, hematobiochemical, radiographic examinations were done preoperatively. All the 12 cases were classified as stage III mammary tumours using TNM method of classification.enVeterinary ScienceSTUDIES ON RECONSTRUCTION OF LARGE SKIN DEFECTS FOLLOWING MAMMARY TUMOUR EXCISION IN DOGSThesis