Hari ChandKakhandaki, Annasab2016-11-212016-11-212007http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/86598The studies on “Epidemiology and management of soyabean Root rot caused by Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn.” was carried out under in vitro conditions during 2005-06. Inoculum amount @ 3 g/lit. of water induced maximum disease severity (35.23%). Seven days old inoculum was found more virulent (48.23% disease severity) among the others (3, 5, 10 and 12 days old). Plants younger in age (7 days) were found more susceptible to the pathogen (54.38% disease severity). Minimum disease severity was recorded in treatment N15P24. It reduced the disease from 26.43% in control to 17.66%. FYM gave 5.39% reduction in disease severity as compared to control. None of the genotypes screened against the pathogen in screen house and in laboratory by tissue culture method, was found resistant to the disease. Minimum disease severity (20.33%) was observed in the genotype SH40. Among the four bio-agents tested for the control of disease under screen house conditions Trichoderma viride was found to be the most effective which reduced disease severity from 52.56% in control to 17.89%. In dual culture method of testing bioagents also T. viride gave highest reduction in radial growth (79.33 percent inhibition and percent overlapping was 67.22). Among the five organic amendments tested for the control of root rot Neem was found to be most effective. It reduced the disease from 52.48% in control to 25.44%.enSoybean, Rhizoctonia solani, Trichoderma viride, Trichoderma harzianum, Trichoderma virens, Bacillus subtilis, disease severity, Callus and tissue cultureEpidemiology and management of soybean root rot caused by rhizoctonia solani kuhnThesis