KOTIKAL, Y. K.VENKATESHALUGANIGER, V. M.GANDOLKAR, KANTESHCHOLIN, SARVAMANGALAMATH, MAHESH2019-09-212019-09-212018-04UHS14PGD86http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810128861The studies related to species diversity and population dynamics, evaluation of traps and trap designs, effect of irradiation on melon fly and integrated management of fruit flies in guava, bitter gourd and drumstick ecosystems were conducted at College of Horticulture, University of Horticultural Sciences (UHS), Bagalkot during 2015-16 and 2016-17. Five species of fruit flies were identified from guava and bitter gourd, and 11 species from drumstick ecosystems. In guava, Shannon index of diversity (H’) of the fruit fly population was maximum during 48th standard meteorological week (SMW) of 2015 and 25th SMW of 2017. The Pielou’s evenness (J') was maximum during 40th, 51st SMW of 2015 and 1st, 3rd and 48th SMW 2016 and 25th SMW of 2017. The maximum Simpson diversity index value 1-D was during 1st SMW 2016 and 23rd SMW of 2017. The highest number of B. dorsalis males was trapped during 27th and 28th SMW of 2015 and 2017 respectively, whereas that of B. correcta was noticed during 26th SMW of 2017 with another small peak during 29th SMW. In bitter gourd H' was maximum during 6th SMW of 2016. Maximum J' value was recorded during 6th SMW of 2016 and 52nd SMW of 2015. The maximum 1-D value was recorded during 6th and 38th SMW of 2016. Maximum H' value was maximum during 38th SMW followed by 36th SMW of 2016. Maximum J' value was recorded during 38th SMW and 36th SMW of 2016. Relatively high B. cucurbitae activity was noticed during the 34th SMW of 2016. The maximum H' was during 17th SMW of 2016 and 12th SMW of 2017 in drumstick. Maximum J' value was recorded 17th and 42nd SMW of 2016. The maximum (1-D) was recorded during 17th SMW of 2016. During 2016-17 maximum H’ value during 43rd SMW of 2016. The first appearance of B. gavisa was during 43rd SMW of 2015, with its peak during 6th SMW of 2016 and B. correcta 43rd SMW of 2015 with the peak during 10th SMW of 2016 and 2nd SMW of 2017. Methyl eugenol (2%) and fermented jaggery @ 25 g per trap attracted significantly higher number of B. dorsalis while in drumstick ecosystem trap baited with fermented banana (25g) was the most superior as it attracted significantly highest number of pod flies. Among the two designs of bottle traps tested, bottles with holes 12 mm in bottom portion and loaded with 2 per cent ME trapped significantly highest number of fruit flies. The transparent trap with 2 per cent ME of 12 mm captured significantly highest number of B. dorsalis followed by transparent traps with 5 per cent ME and the yellow coloured trap with 2 per cent ME. The highest number was trapped in Barrix catchTM fruit fly trap followed by PCI trap and ME bottle trap. When B. cucurbitae was subjected to different radiation doses, the treatment of 30 Gy resulted in highest emergence percentage and 90 Gy was the most suitable gamma radiation dose to obtain the highest sterility of males of B. cucrbitae applied to three days old pupae. The maximum mating competitive value was recorded for 90 Gy with a cross ratio of 2:1:1 and 1:2:1. Among the IPM modules evaluated M3 (UHS-POP) in guava, M2 (Integrated IPM module) in bitter gourd and drumstick could be recommended.en-USnullSTUDIES ON FRUIT FLIES AND THEIR MANAGEMENT IN GUAVA, BITTER GOURD AND DRUMSTICK ECOSYSTEMSThesis