SHARMA, SUBHASHTHAKUR, RIYA2021-12-062021-12-062021-12 For the present study entitled “Economic Analysis of Natural Farming in Mandi District of Himachal Pradesh” a sample of 60 farmers practicing natural farming was selected from Gopalpur and Balh blocks using simple random sampling technique. The study revealed that average literacy rate of the sampled farmers was 94.14 per cent indicating majority of farmers were educated but the quality of education was poor. 38.46 per cent of the farmers were rearing local cow as a major livestock on their farm. The average land holding was 0.80 ha out of which area under natural farming was 0.31ha. Under natural farming major crop combinations adopted by farmers were Cereal-Vegetables (0.14 ha) followed by Cereals-Vegetables-Pulses (0.13ha), Cereals-Pulses (0.03ha) and Vegetables-Pulses (0.01ha). The cost of cultivation under natural farming for Cereal-Pulses, Cereal-vegetables, Vegetables-Pulses and Cereal-Vegetables-Pulses crop combinations was Rs. 42,617/ha, Rs. 48,958/ha, Rs. 50,318/ha and Rs. 45,607/ha in Rabi season and Rs. 41,857/ha, Rs. 51,001/ha, Rs. 48,343/ha and Rs. 52,966/ha in Kharif season, respectively. The yield observed in different crop combinations under natural farming was less as compared to conventional farming system except Cereal-Vegetables-Pulses crop combination. The percentage reduction in yield under natural farming over conventional farming ranged from 1.90 to 23.44 % in Rabi season and 0.70 to 15.93 % in Kharif season. The net returns under natural farming were more in all crop combinations as compared to conventional farming except Cereal-pulses crop combination in Rabi season. The percentage increase in relative economic efficiency under natural farming over conventional farming ranged from 15.87 to 22.73 % in Rabi season and 2.57 to 12.31 % in Kharif season. The output-input ratio was also higher under natural farming as compared to conventional farming system. 43.33 per cent of the sampled farmers had adopted the complete SPNF model. Reduced insect-pest attack, high chemical fertilizers cost, quality output, health benefits were the factors responsible for the adoption of natural farming. Labour intensive farming followed by lack of premium prices, lack of consumer awareness for SPNF produce and low yield were the major problems reported by the farmers.EnglishECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF NATURAL FARMING IN MANDI DISTRICT OF HIMACHAL PRADESHThesis