Doreswamy, C.NITHINKUMAR, D. M.2018-06-062018-06-062017-08-22Th-11808 is an agro based Cottage industry which is practiced in China, India and other Asian countries extensively. In recent days, sericulture has gained prime importance in Indian agriculture as it provides gainful occupation to around 7.25 million people in rural and semi-urban areas (Dandin et al., 2003). Although it is considered as a subsidiary occupation, technological innovations have made possible to achieve an intensive scale capable of generating adequate and also continuous income to farmers. India retained its position as the second largest producer of silk sharing 14.60 per cent in the global raw silk production. Annual silk production of the country on an average is about 28,523 MT during the year 2015-16 with foreign exchange earnings of Rs. 2,495.99 Crores from silk goods exports. Production of mulberry raw silk during 2015-16, was 20,478 MT indicated a marginal decrease of 4.8 per cent compared to the previous year’s production of 21,390 MT. ( OF SOIL AND FOLIAR APPLICATION OF ZINC AND BORON ON QUALITY OF MULBERRY LEAF AND DEVELOPMENT OF LATE LARVAL FLACHERIE OF SILKWORM, Bombyx mori L.Thesis