Khaleel, F M HKavya shri, H MKAU2019-06-142019-06-142007 study on “Team work in Agricultural organizations” was designed to measure the team processes, team development, team role and to study the team effectiveness of the agricultural officers and the assistants. This study was conducted in the Palakkad district of Kerala state, which was purposively selected. Out of thirteen developmental blocks, seven blocks were selected. The sample selected for the study comprised two categories of team members comprising 42 agricultural officers and 105 agricultural assistants. In team processes, the items like; seeking for the required information with other members when they face problems in performing a particular task, discussing with farmers about their field problems and getting help from the other members when they need, emerged as the most important by both the categories of the team members. In case of team development stage that was discussing issues such as what problems they are really to solve. In team role, both categories perceived role like having a clear view of the team objectives and providing required knowledge and having a dedicated and single-minded approach. In team effectiveness stage, achieving the target with a reasonable effort since we work as a team, members feeling free to express their feelings as well as their ideas and making clear assignments of the task to be performed were the items perceived by both the groups The study revealed that majority of agricultural officers and agricultural assistants perceived different items for team processes, team development and team role except for team effectiveness. It was found that there was significant difference between the two categories of team members regarding their perception of team processes, team development, and the team role. Similar work can be done in other blocks or other districts of Kerala so that a comprehensive study on team working can be done and a new technology can be developed for achieving a good teamwork in the organizations.ennullTeamwork in agricultural organisationsThesis