Khanduri, V. P. (Dr.)SINGH, ARVIND2023-02-062023-02-062020 ForestryAbstract Name: Arvind Singh ID. No.: UUHF/18321 Degree: M.Sc. Forestry (Silviculture) Department: Forestry College: College of Forestry, Ranichauri Year of Admission: 2018 Advisor: Prof. V. P. Khanduri Title: “Assessment of phytosociology, carbon sequestration and soil carbon pools in pure and mixed forests of Garhwal Himalaya” The present study was carried out in pure (deodar and pine) and mixed forest, where 9 sites were selected in three elevations (1900-2300 m, 1550-1950 m and 500-1000 m respectively,) of Tehri Garhwal. The phytosociology and carbon sequestration were assessed by laying out 90 quadrates of 10X10 m size in each forest. Survey and sampling of the vegetation were done using standard ecological assessment method with an aim to study of phytosociology and vegetation composition of pure and mixed forest. Estimate the biomass and carbon density of pure and mixed forests was done by using volume equation of tree species. Soil samples were randomly taken from the entire 90 quadrates from two depths (0-15 cm and 15-30 cm) to estimate the soil organic carbon pools of pure and mixed forests. The results of the study revealed that the deodar forest were accompanied by 4 associated tree species while pine forest was completely covered by pine vegetation and mixed forest were consisting of 28 tree species. The carbon stock were recorded in the ranges from 330.682 Mg ha-1 to 403.359 Mg ha-1 in deodar forest, 106.815 Mg ha-1 to 123.854 Mg ha-1 in pine forest and 168.856 Mg ha-1 to 178.106 Mg ha-1 in mixed forest. The maximum bulk density (BD) was recorded in pine forest (1.145 g cm-3) while minimum in deodar forest (1.015 g cm-3). The total organic carbon (TOC) was recorded maximum (11.485 mg g-1) in mixed forest and minimum (9.235 mg g-1) in pine forest. The total organic carbon stock was recorded maximum (18.525 t C ha-1) in mixed forest and minimum (15.16 t C ha-1) in deodar forest. The higher value of very labile carbon (CVL), Less labile carbon (CL), Non labile carbon (CNL) was recorded in mixed forest (6.345 mg g-1, 2.13 mg g-1, 1.695 mg g-1, respectively) and lowest in pine forest (4.045 mg g-1, 1.965 mg g-1, 1.53 mg g-1, respectively) However, the values of labile carbon ( CL) were recorded highest in pine forest (1.68 mg g-1) and lowest in deodar forest (1.13 mg g-1). The maximum active and passive pools of soil organic carbon was recorded in mixed forest (11.5 t C ha-1 and 4.975 t C ha-1 respectively) and minimum in pine forest (7.65 t C ha-1 and 3.43 t C ha-1 respectively).EnglishASSESSMENT OF PHYTOSOCIOLOGY, CARBON SEQUESTRATION AND SOIL CARBON POOLS IN PURE AND MIXED FORESTS OF GARHWAL HIMALAYAThesis