Dixit, S. P.Thakur, Anjali2023-03-212023-03-212023-02-13https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810195588The present study on the effect of continuous application of target yield based fertilizers and organic manure in maize-wheat cropping system on soil properties, nutrients uptake and productivity of maize was carried out during kharif 2020 and 2021 in a long-term experiment on soil test crop response studies at the experimental farm of Department of Soil Science, CSK HPKV Palampur. The experiment consisted of eight treatments viz., control, farmers’ practice, general recommended dose, soil test based fertilizer application, chemical fertilizers for 30 q ha-1 target yield with and without FYM, chemical fertilizers for 40 q ha-1 target yield with and without FYM, in a randomized block design. The soil was silty clay loam, acidic in reaction (pH 5.2), 7.2 g organic carbon ha-1 , 236, 41 and 272 kg available N, P and K ha-1 , respectively. Soil samples from 0-0.15 m depth were collected before and after the harvest of maize (kharif 2020 and 2021) and analyzed for the physical, chemical and biological properties. Grain and stover samples were also analyzed for nutrients concentration and nutrients uptake was determined. Grain quality parameters were also determined. Continuous application of 30 and 40 q ha-1 target yield based fertilizers with FYM improved the physical properties of the soil significantly over control and chemical fertilizers-alone treatments. Soil organic carbon content, CEC, available N, P, K, S, exchangeable Ca and Mg, DTPA extractable Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu, microbial biomass C, N, P, S and enzyme activity were highest in STCR-IPNS treatments, however, soil pH did not vary significantly within the treatments. Integration of FYM with 40 q ha-1 target yield based chemical fertilizers improved the maize grain quality resulting in highest crude protein, crude fat, crude fibre, ash, total carbohydrates, starch, reducing and non-reducing sugar content but it was at par with target yield 30 q ha-1 + FYM treatment. Target yield based chemical fertilizers application for 30 and 40 q ha-1 with FYM significantly increased the grain and stover yield as well the N, P, K, S, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu uptake by maize over farmers’ practice, general recommended dose and soil test based fertilizer application. The highest B:C was recorded in 40 q ha-1 target yield treatment (3.02 and 3.04), followed by 40 q ha-1 target yield + FYM (2.87 and 2.80) and lowest in control (1.30 and 1.19) during kharif 2020 and 2021, respectively.EnglishEffect of continuous application of target yield based fertilizers and organic manure in maize-wheat cropping system on soil properties, nutrients uptake and productivity of maize in an acid AlfisolThesis