Dr. F.S. KavaniRaval Rupeshkumar J.2021-07-032021-07-032019-06https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810170050The effect of nutritional supplementation on estrus induction and fertility/pregnancy rate; and efficacy of double Ovsynch protocol for induction and synchronization of estrus/ovulation and fertility/pregnancy rate were assessed in Jaffrabadi buffaloes. Fourty eight buffaloes equally divided into 4 groups were utilized for this study. Group I included pubertal heifers (mean age 30±2 months) supplemented with fixed quantity of chelated mineral mixture, bypass fat and protein over the routine farm feeding practices; and body weight gain, ovarian dynamics, blood biochemical and endocrine profiles during six months were recorded at month interval. Group II consisted of post-pubertal acyclic heifers (age 42±2 months), Group III comprised of post-pubertal acyclic heifers (age 48±2 months) and Group IV covered post-partum acyclic buffaloes. Animals of all the four groups were randomly subdivided into two equal subgroups (treatment and control) of 6 each. Animals of treatment subgroup of group II, III and IV were treated with established double Ovsynch protocol followed by fixed time artificial insemination (FTAI) on day 26 and 27 using Jaffrabadi bull semen. Animals were monitored for ovarian changes by trans-rectal ultrasonography, biochemical and hormonal profiles on the day of injections and day 27 (FTAI), and on day 12, 21 and 35 post-FTAI; and at weekly interval up to five weeks in control subgroups. Ultrasonography and per-rectal examination in inseminated animals were used to confirm the pregnancy on day 35 and 70, respectively. Data collected were compared between and within treatment and control subgroups of II, III and IV groups. In group I animals, the overall difference in plasma total protein level and plasma total cholesterol concentration was significant (p<0.05) between subgroups. Ovarian dynamics revealed significant (p<0.05) increase in ovarian follicles especially in right ovary in treatment subgroup as compared to control. FSH and LH levels were significantly (p<0.01) higher in animals of treatment subgroup as compared to control from 3rd to 6th month and at 4th month, respectively. Insulin level in treatment subgroup was significantly (p<0.01) higher as compared to control. None of these animals exhibited behavioural signs of estrus. However, monthly per-rectal palpation and ultrasonography revealed establishment of cyclicity with the presence ii of developed follicles/corpus luteum during the last three months of study period. Therefore, none of these animals was bred or used for further study. In animals of treatment subgroup II and III a significant (p<0.05) increase in numbers of small follicles was observed on day 26. Number of large sized follicles was significantly (p<0.05) higher on day 26 in comparison to day 0 and 7 in group IV animals. Total number of follicles in both ovaries of group II animals was significantly (p<0.01) higher on day 26. Large and subordinate follicular diameter on ovaries of group II, III and IV animals increased gradually, but the differences between periods were significant (p<0.001) only in group IV with highest recorded diameter of large follicle on day 17 ; and of subordinate follicle on day 26. The right ovary was found relatively more active as compared to left ovary. Overall total number of follicles, diameters of large and subordinate follicles were significantly (p<0.05) higher in control as compared to treatment subgroup of group II animals. The conception rates at FTAI in group II, III and IV was 66.66, 83.33 and 16.66 %, respectively; whereas the corresponding values in control sub-groups were 0.00, 16.66 and 16.66 %, respectively. The differences in conception rate in treated and control heifers were significant (p<0.05), however, benefit of double Ovsynch treatment over control group in multiparous buffaloes was not observed. Plasma FSH concentration values differed significantly (p<0.001) among different groups at all-time intervals. Plasma FSH concentration obtained in control subgroup of group IV was significantly (p<0.001) higher than group II and III. Plasma LH concentration values differed significantly (p<0.001) among groups at various time periods. Plasma LH concentrations in group II and IV differed significantly (p<0.001). Plasma estrogen concentration obtained in animals of group III was significantly (p<0.05) higher than group IV. Plasma estrogen concentration obtained in control subgroups II and III were significantly (p<0.01) higher than control subgroup IV. Plasma insulin value obtained on all days for group IV animals were significantly (p<0.01) lower than group II and III animals. In group II, there was significantly (p<0.001) increased level of plasma FSH in treatment subgroup as compared to control subgroup; whereas, LH level was significantly (p<0.05) higher in control subgroup as compared to treatment subgroup. In group III, plasma FSH and LH levels were significantly (p<0.001) higher in treatment subgroup as compared to control subgroup. In group IV, there was significantly (p<0.01) increased level of FSH in treatment subgroup as compared to control; whereas, plasma LH level was significantly higher (p<0.05) in control subgroup as compared to treatment subgroup. The period-wise mean estrogen and insulin levels were significantly (p<0.05) higher in treatment subgroup as compared to control subgroup. Blood glucose level was significantly (p<0.001) higher in group II on day 17 as compared to group III and IV. Plasma total cholesterol values were significantly (p<0.05) higher in treatment subgroup IV as compared to subgroup II and III. Plasma total protein values were significantly (p<0.001) lower in group II heifers than in post-partum buffaloes of group IV, and group III heifers being intermediate. In group III, blood glucose level was significantly (p<0.05) lower in treatment subgroup as compared to control subgroup. On the basis of ovarian dynamics and results, it is concluded that double Ovsynch protocol could be better choice for improving conception rate in post-pubertal acyclic Jaffrabadi buffalo heifers as compared to multiparous acyclicEnglishCLINICAL ASSESSMENT OF NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENT AND DOUBLE OVSYNCH PROTOCOL FOR ESTRUS INDUCTION, SYNCHRONIZATION AND PREGNANCY RATE IN ANESTRUS JAFFRABADI BUFFALOES 2855Thesis