R. K. BhagatSunita Kujur2024-08-312024-08-312004https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810214168Field experiment was conducted at Birsa Agricultural University Farm, Kanke, Ranchi during 2002-03 to study the feasibility to increase. productivity and profitability of wheat mustard intercropping system under limited irrigation. The experiment consisting of eleven treatment combinations in row arrangement of wheat and mustard was planned in acid soil (pH 5.7) of sandy loam texture (20.0% silt and 19.6% clay) having low in available N (191.30 kg ha ¹), P2O5 (19.06 kg ha) and medium in available K₂O (161.28 kg ha¹) under randomized block design with three replication. Result revealed that a combination of 5 rows of wheat and 5 rows of mustard recorded the highest wheat equivalent yield of 24.22 q ha however, it was statistically at par with row ratio of 9:1 in wheat and mustard (21.88 q ha¹) as well as sole cropping of wheat (21.71 q ha ¹). Combination of 5 rows wheat and 5 rows of mustard and 9 rows of wheat and one rows of mustard were significantly superior to the rest treatment combinations. Under intercropping system 5:5 row ratio of wheat and mustard recorded the maximum LER (1.15) indicated beneficial association and Relative crowding coefficient (1.87) indicated their better compatibility than the rest treatments. Dominance of wheat over mustard was recorded in all the row ratio combination except 1:9 row ratio of wheat and mustard. The competition ratio value of wheat is more than one in all the ratio values of wheat and mustard combination except 1:9 row ratio. 5 rows of wheat and 5 rows of mustard combination recorded the highest net return (Rs 13965 ha), benefit cost ratio (2.47 on per rupee investment) and monetary advantage index (Rs 2056 ha). It was observed that the energy input was increasing with the increase in wheat rows and decreasing with the increase in mustard rows. Maximum energy output (35685 MJ ha¹) and energy use efficiency (3.91) also recorded under 5:5 row ratio of wheat and mustard.EnglishStudies on Wheat And Indian Mustard Intercropping Under limited IrrigationThesis