Babel, SudhaSharma, Surbhi2017-07-062017-07-062011Sharma and babel, 2011 of Intervention Package on Value Added Jute Products for Establishing Micro EnterpriseThe natural golden fiber jute is a strongest, cheap and ecofriendly in nature. The two main type of jute, white jute (Corchorus copsularies) and dark jute or tosa (Corchorus olitorios) are grown mainly in India. The present study was undertaken with as objective to explore existing knowledge about jute among rural women, development of intervention package for skill development, imparting training among rural women and assessment of training. A purposive random sample of 30 respondents was selected from Griva Tehsil of village Badgaon, Udaipur district of Rajasthan. Data was collected through interview schedule from the respondents. The data was further analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean percent and rating scale. The major findings of the investigation revealed that 43 per cent respondents belonged to the age group of 26-30, educated up to 6-8 class (40%). Fifty three per cent respondent’s income ranges between Rs. 5,000-10,000/ month and had medium socio economic status (50%). Evaluation of intervention package shows that mean rating score for the developed booklet was ranging from 7.0 to 7.4 which came in the category of ‘‘very good’’ by panel of experts. The respondents had selected five jute products namely; belt, phone mat, book holder, photo frame and jute painting out of 20 jute products for training. There was eight days training programme and method demonstration was used as a mean for imparting the training. The result obtained from skill assessment of rural women was 100 per cent in training session. Further it was reported that the estimated price of the five jute products ranges from Rs. 50 -122, whereas at 20 per cent profit, the price ranges from Rs. 60 -132.The feedback of the whole training was found to be very fruitful and had applicability for the future purpose. It was also found that rural women were eager to adopt the jute as an enterprise.ennullDevelopment of Intervention Package on Value Added Jute Products for Establishing Micro EnterpriseThesis