Dr. G. N. PatelVasantkumar Karshan Gondalia2017-11-012017-11-012005http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810034454The present investigation was undertaken with a view to study the cost and return, economic feasibility, marketable surplus and disposal pattern, marketing cost and marketing efficiency of aonla plantation in central Gujarat. A sample of 120 aonla growers were randomly selected from 12 selected villages of Kheda and Anand districts. For the study of marketing aspects, 10 wholesalers and 10 retailers were randomly selected from Nadiad and Anand Regulated Markets. The study pertains to the agricultural year 2003-04.enAgricultural EconomicsStudyAN ECONOMIC EVALUATION OF INVESTMENT ON AONLA (Emblica officinalis G.) IN CENTRAL GUJARATThesis