Malik, Ranbir SinghNarender2017-06-032017-06-032016 order to evaluate the anionic effect on manganese uptake by wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), its vertical distribution and release behaviour in different soils, laboratory as well as screen house experiments were conducted at CCS HAU, Hisar during the year 2013-15.The results of the pot study revealed a significant increased in yields, content, uptake of Mn by wheat and Mn content in soil with the application of NO3 -, PO4 3- and Mn, whereas it was significantly decreased with increasing levels of HCO3 - and Cl-. The highest yields of grain and straw were recorded with 90 mg NO3 - kg-1 and 60 mg PO4 3- kg-1 along with 25 mg Mn kg-1 and no addition of HCO3 - and Cl-. Maximum Mn content and its uptake in wheat grain and straw were recorded with 90 mg NO3 - kg-1 and 60 mg PO4 3- kg-1 with 50 mg Mn kg-1 and no addition of HCO3 - and Cl- in soil. In pot experiment, Mn fractions content increased with the application of graded level of NO3 -, PO4 3- and Mn whereas it was significantly decreased with the application of increasing level of HCO3 - and Cl-. Among Mn fractions in post harvest soils, maximum Mn was associated in residual (RES) fraction followed by MnOX > AFeOX > CFeOX > EX > CARB > OM fractions. Organic matter bound (OM) showed a very littile amount of Mn content due to the low content of organic carbon in experimental soil. Under depth-wise distribution of Mn fractions, all fractions of Mn in soil decreased significantly with increasing soil depth in all the cropping system. The mean DTPA-Mn concentration was highest in cotton-wheat cropping system. Among various Mn fractions, maximum was found associated in residual (RES) form which accounted for 58.08 % and minimum in organic matter bound (OM) form which accounted for 0.03 % of total Mn. Based upon the linear coefficient of correlation between Mn fractions and soil properties, the organic matter, silt and clay fraction showed greater importance and found significantly positively correlated with Mn fractions. Total manganese content in soil particles (i.e. sand, silt and clay) under all cropping system was associated maximum in silt fraction (52.78 %) whereas it was minimum in sand fraction (14.86 %) . Manganese associated with different soil fraction was found in the order of: Silt > Clay > Sand. For understanding the periodically release behaviour of Mn in different cropping system soils, DTPA-Mn content in paddy-wheat was found to release Mn upto 40 days and thereafter the release of Mn remain almost constant and in cotton-wheat, sugarcane-sugarcane it was continuously release Mn upto 50 days whereas in pearl millet-wheat, pearl millet-mustard and fellow-mustard cropping system, the release of Mn was noticed only upto 30 days and thereafter the release of Mn remain constant.enManganese, Wheat, Uptake, Fraction, Cropping system, Soil particle, Releasing behaviourAnionic effect on manganese uptake by wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), its vertical distribution and release behaviour in different soilsThesis