Prasanna, K TTHOYAJAKHSI2016-11-022016-11-022013-09-24Th-10661 study was conducted to characterise quality of fresh biodiesel produced from Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre and effect of storage on quality of biodiesel blends (B0, to B100) in mild steel and HDPE container in open and closed condition upto 180 days. The quality parameters of biodiesel were Acid value (1.90 mg KOH/g), peroxide value (18.11 meq O2/kg), iodine value (93.46 gI2/100g), sediments (0.1%), metal ion (0.56 ppm), viscosity (6.00 mm2/s), density (0.88 g/cm3), calorific values (38661.45 KJ/kg) fresh biodiesel were found to be in the range. The study revealed that most of the quality parameters of biodiesel varied with storage period. This may be due to the formation of acids, peroxides and aldehydes during storage. The storage period had effect on quality parameters varying marginally up to100 days as compared to control in case of open and closed HDPE containers. While in metal containers both open and closed conditions values differed significantly from 60th day on wards. The blends of biodiesel B0, B5, B10, B20, were very much within the admissible range for use as fuel in all the cases while B50 and B100 showed significant variation in the quality parameters. Hence, the closed HDPE containers were found to be ideal for storage up to 100th day with blends from B0 to B20. While in the metal containers both open and closed conditions showed significant variation in most of the parameters and the admissible range was for 40-60 days in blends up to B20.enfertilizers, crops, nutrients, yields, grain, wheats, nitrogen, organic fertilizers, millets, crop residuesEFFECT OF STORAGE ON QUALITY OF BIODIESEL FROM Pongamia pinnata (L.) PIERREThesis