Harminder SinghManjot Kaur2017-12-202017-12-202017http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810037914The present investigations entitled “Effect of amino acids (Peptone) on fruit quality and productivity of peach cv. Florda Prince” were carried out at Fruit Research Farm, Department of Fruit Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana during the years 2016 and 2017. The six year old peach trees of cv. Florda Prince were sprayed with 0.25 % and 0.50 % concentrations of amino acids (Peptone P1 023), 7 and 14 days after full bloom and the sprays were repeated after 15 and 30 days. All the amino acid treatments increased fruit growth, shoot growth and fruit retention and decreased fruit drop as compared to control during both the years. Fruit yield was found to be maximum (53.92 kg/tree) under double spray treatment of amino acids (@ 0.50 % applied 14 days after full bloom and 15 days later) and minimum in plants sprayed with triple spray of amino acids. Fruit maturity was advanced by 3-4 days by double spray treatments of amino acids whereas all the triple spray treatments delayed fruit maturity by 2 days as compared to control. The double spray treatments of amino acids improved all the fruit quality parameters (fruit size, fruit weight, fruit color, fruit firmness, TSS, acidity, TSS/acid ratio and total sugars) as compared to control and other treatments. Maximum foliar nitrogen, potassium and chlorophyll contents were recorded in the treatments which received triple sprays of amino acids and minimum was recorded in control plants.ennullEffect of amino acids (Peptone) on fruit quality and productivity of peach cv. Florda PrinceThesis