S. K. METIRAMAKRISHNA S HOSAKOTI2017-06-222017-06-222012-06-30http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810022887The present research study was conducted in Bidar district of Karnataka during the year 2011-12. Bidar district was purposively selected for the study, since the area under transplanted redgram cultivation is highest and maximum number of demonstration is conducted by KVK, Bidar. Three taluks namely, Humnabad, Bidar, and Aurad were purposively selected with one hundred and twenty respondents, because these taluks have highest area under transplanting method of redgram cultivation practices. Thus 120 farmers formed the sample for study (i.e. 60 demonstration and 60 non-demonstration farmers). Study revealed that, overall knowledge level about transplanting method redgram cultivation practices (50.00% and 30.00%) in case of demonstration and non-demonstration farmers, respectively. Regarding overall adoption level of transplanting method redgram cultivation practices, 48.33 and 28.33 per cent of demonstration farmers and non-demonstration farmers were belongs to medium adoption category, respectively. It was observed that, in case of demonstration farmers’ viz., education, land holding, annual income, Innovativeness, risk orientation achievement motivation, mass media utilization, extension participation, and sources of information exhibited positive and significant relationship. In case of non-demonstration farmers independent variables i.e. education, land holding, annual income, risk orientation, achievement motivation, scientific orientation, mass media utilization, extension participation, and sources of information exhibited positive and significant relationship with their adoption of transplanting method redgram cultivation practices. It was observed that, constraints as expressed by the demonstration farmers were majority of expressed that low price to the product (78.33%). In case of non-demonstration farmers they had expressed constraints like 81.67 per cent of them had problems of high cost of cultivation practices.ennullIMPACT ANALYSIS OF DEMONSTRATION ON TRANSPLANTING METHOD OF REDGRAM CULTIVATION IN BIDAR DISTRICT OF KARNATAKA STATEThesis